How do we target Apple Users?

Apple iOS is incredibly prevalent in today’s marketing landscape with 22% of all phones being iPhones. That is 1.5 billion active iPhones on the planet, with the largest spending market on iPhones being the United States. For many advertisers this is a very desirable, yet increasingly unreachable target market.
Doesn’t anyone care about Apple Users?

We have a basic hypothesis that most marketers and agencies are not paying enough attention to reaching users on Apple Devices using Programmatic Advertising. (And probably social too, but that is a separate blog post.) We decided to run a basic experiment comparing the delivery to Apple Devices when targeting typical 3rd party data audiences vs. our in-house cookieless tool called Pontiac ART…
Post-Cookie-Era #2 – Identity Solutions, Contextual & Native

Keith deliberates over strong solutions available for the post-cookie era – with two of our partners (LiveRamp and SEMCasting), Pontiac’s contextual targeting capabilities, and what we can expect with Native advertising.
Post-Cookie-Era Update Feb 2021

What changes are around the corner, speculating how this will play out, and how Programmatic Mechanics and Pontiac Intelligence are preparing for all possible scenarios.